Jumaat, 27 Ogos 2010


                                          RM 2500.00


RM 380.00
Indications for Gerovital
  • Diseases caused by hormonal imbalance or neurotransmitters such as depression (depression), migraine, headache, menopausal symptoms, and others.
  • Treat diseases that involve the death of older tissues in the body like arthritis, Parkinson, Alzheimer's and others.
  • Treatment age old diseases involving the tissues death, such as arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's and others.
  • Repair of the body’s immunity and improve disease-related illnesses
    such as chronic infections, rheumatism, psoriasis, SLE and others.
  • Restoring calmness due to abnormal nerve activity, such the inability to sleep at night (insomnia) chronic fatigue, menstrual cycle irregularities and others.
  • Rejuvenation for those aged 35 years and above.
  • Antioxidants fight free radicals.
  • Tightening of the vagina, beautify and tightening of the skin.
Firming up of all body parts like the breasts and buttocks




RM 5000.00/per box
Melsmon provides a stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body, by promoting the formation of new blood vessels, and nerves, thus leading to healthy looking skin. Skin will appear young and vibrant.
  • Physical and psychic fatigue. Melsmon helps to improve a general lack of vitality, concentration, eyesight and mental weakness.
  • Melsmon helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, gastric, gastric ulcers, migraine, blood circulation & arthritis.
  • Premature aging and wear of different organs brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys & digestive system. Melsmon promotes tissue respiration.
  • Melsmon stimulates normal growth, regenerates and accelerates re-pair of aged or injured muscle, skin, collagen, bone cartilage and nerve tissues.
  • Epidermal problems, such as wrinkles, de-colorization, pigmentation, eye-bags & dull skin tone.
  • Anemia. Melsmon helps normalize blood characteristics.
  • After effects of illnesses. Melsmon helps replenish nutrients required by your body
  • After surgery. Melsmon promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time.
  • Menopausal Syndrome. Melsmon is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40s, approaching menopause. Melsmon reduces the pain and changes associated with menopause.
  • Patients undergoing Chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Melsmon helps to improve physical fatigue, loss of appetite and immune system.

  • Melsmon Human Placenta Japan (5mlx30 ampouls)

    *Ask For The Price

    Product Description


    Melsmon provides a stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body, by promoting the formation of new blood vessels, and nerves, thus leading to healthy looking skin. Skin will appear young and vibrant.

  • Restores youth quality (prevent ageing)
  • Prevents the hardening of liver.
  • Prevents and improve bloating, rashes, black spot and freckle.
  • Improves the effects of anemia.
  • Relieves the discomfort due to menopause, biological disorder, diabetic conditions, cold feet and piles, kidney ailment
  • Revitalize the body during illness and after recuperationl
  • Enhances the healing of skin membrane and wounds, Hypertensions, Inflammation for stomach and duodenum, gum disease, constipation
  • Eliminates body odor.
  • Invigorates the body
  • Improves sexual desire and prevent impotencel Strengthens the body resistance against diseases
  • Prevents abnormal skin inflammationl
  • Reduces body allergy.


HARGA RM 2500.00

Laennec Fresh Cell Therapy Stem cells are responsible for growth during childhood and for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives. After the age of 25 the level of stem cells are only at 20 percent. As the levels of stem cells decline the damage that we call aging continues to accelerate. By increasing the levels of stem cells in our bodies, we can slow, or even reverse, many manifestations of aging. There is no other single therapy currently available that can have the impact on aging that Laennec Fresh Cell Therapy can have
Laennec stem cell Growth factor therapy injection: It has been well believed that with people in their life span care most are those problems of health, juvenescence, and longevity. However, it is not until the revolution and advancement of 21st century biology technology can Human Placenta Extract be conducted and utilized by human beings to bring new hopes in life.
Therefore, we want to introduce to you this new-age born premier product out of a prudent heart, namely the Laennec human stem cell. Growth factor, which has been valued as the best product for human health.
Laennec Placenta injection adopt the quality placenta which had been passed detail selections of healthy expectant mothers. The quality is equal to those from France and Italy, but the quantity is 3 times more. Because of many constituents inside, the unit of ingredient indication is mg. Not only it has the attribute of being water-solubility, but also is a mature product that has been put in clinical practice for more than 60 years
Product Description:
Regenerating therapeutic agent for intramuscular injection Packs of 50 ampoules of 2ml each
One 2mL ampoule contains: Bovine (Cow) placental organ Side-effects:In rare cases, allergic reactions that subside after the dosage is reduced or treatment discontinued.
Dosage and method of administration:
The dosage is usually set on a case-by-case basis according to the clinical picture and the patient's general condition. If not otherwise prescribed, the recommended standard dose is: 10-12 deep intramuscular (IM)or intravenously (IV) injections (of one 2mL ampoule each), 2-6 days apart.




Sheep placenta is a rich source of nutrients, growth factors and bio-active cytokines. It is based on these bio-essentials that new life is developed. Scientific studies found that placenta contains high level of special proteins (placenta proteins), some of them promote cell growth, some of them regulate hormone secretion and some of them strengthen our immune system.

What is a placenta?
It is an organ formed in the uterus of pregnant mammals, which is vital to nourish and support the fetus through the umbilical cord. Through it, oxygen and nutrients pass from the mother's blood into that of the fetus, and waste products pass in the reverse direction. The placenta is expelled from the uterus at the birth of the fetus, when it is often called the afterbirth. 

Is it safe for consumption?
Throughout history, mankind has known the incredible restorative powers of placenta. 
In ancient Egypt, soldiers consume fresh placenta to rejuvenate themselves for battle. 

In China, it has long been used for over a 1400 years as a beauty tonic, kidney tonic and aphrodisiac promoting general health. 

The French has long used it as a beauty revitaliser, enhancing body energy, skin complexion and limiting the aging process.
Sheep placenta has been used by the British Royal Family for 1400 years as medicine or promoting general health.

In some cultures, placenta is prepared as a soup for new mothers to help them recover their energy and avoid post-natal depression. Today, it is a favorite among those who wishes to preserve their youth and beauty.

What are the unique benefits of sheep placenta?
Sheep placenta offers one of the richest sources of nutrients, growth factors, immune co-factors and bio-active cytokines ever known. If it is rich enough to nourish a developing embryo, just think of what it can do for your skin and health. Recent scientific research has shown that placenta contains rich growth factors, hormones and antibodies, and other concentrated nutrients that can rejuvenate organic tissue. Some of them promote cell growth, some regulate hormone secretion and some of them strengthen our immune system.

What are the nutrients in sheep placenta?
Sheep placenta contains bioactive nutrients such as essential amino acids, melatonin, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, immune co-factors, PAF, Peptide of Placenta, EGFs (Epidermal Growth Factors), other regulating factors and the unique SCAFs (Senescent Cell Activating Factors), etc.

You got me! What does all this means to me?
SOD is a very potent antioxidant enzyme that protects cells from free radical damage and prevents the development of melanin, which causes pigmentation, age spots and uneven skin color. 
SOD neutralises free radicals that cause pigmentation.

Hyaluronic acid encourages brisker healing and reduces scarring.

NMFs penetrate cellular membranes rapidly to attract and hold moisture in the skin tissues for a lasting hydrating effect. 
As beautiful and healthy skin depends on the skin moisture content, skin that cannot retain moisture becomes flaky, rough and develops wrinkles. Even oily mature skin needs hydration to retain its youthfulness.

SCAFs "reprogram" the worn out aging cells to take on the characteristics of younger and healthier cells, a process that slows down the aging process itself! Together the EGFs, SCAFs stimulate cell renewal and regeneration.

Why sheep placenta?
It has been called “Nature's Elixir of Youth”
It is a proven fact that sheep placenta is effective in reversing the aging process. For years, the rich and famous have frequented the clinics in Switzerland for anti-aging treatment with sheep placenta. 

Placenta's health benefits include:
• Revitalizing the skin 
• Boosting the immune system 
• Improving physical vitality and energy 
• Lighten the appearance of freckles, pigmentation and dark spots 
• Promote a translucent, lustrous and even toned complexion 
• Smoothens skin, making it look and feel velvety soft 
• Increase skin elasticity and reduce sagging 
• Hydrate the skin, erasing lines and wrinkles 
• Enhance skin renewal process and reduce the appearance of scars 
• Regulate the natural sebum production and reduce open pores 
• Regulate menstrual cycle, ease menstrual pain and alleviate menopausal symptoms 
• Assist in the burning of excess body fats and firm up the body 
• Naturally detoxifies (removes impurities) 
• Strengthened nail & hair follicle 
• Healing properties 
• Antioxidant 
• Promoting general health 
When can I start taking Sheep Placenta?
It is recommended that you start taking placenta capsules if you are women in age 30’s. It is an absolutely healthy food. You can regularly take sheep placenta capsules as a dietary supplement with any other healthy food. If you stop taking, there will not be any side effect.


Suntikan Plasenta merupakan suntikan anti penuaan yang semakin popular di kalangan wanita mahupun kaum lelaki kerana kesannya yang sangat menakjubkan. Plasenta adalah sumber yang kaya dengan nutrien. Plasenta adalah sumber yang kaya dengan nutrien. Ia mengandungi nutrien bio aktif seperti asid amino, melatonin, asid nucleic (RNA dan DNA), antioksidan. Ada banyak jenis plasenta antaranya daripada haiwan seperti kambing biri-biri. Ada juga plasenta daripada manusia yang diimport dari India dan Jepun. Bagaimanapun, sel terapi daripada kambing biri-biri lebih popular bagi rawatan anti penuaan.

Penggunaan ekstrak plasenta daripada kambing biri-biri sebenarnya dibangunkan buat pertama kali di negara-negara Eropah. Switzerland adalah antara negara yang cukup popular dengan rawatan anti penuaan berasaskan plasenta. Di Eropah, keberkesanan terapi sel diterima sepenuhnya dan berupaya membentuk sistem imunisasi menentang penyakit, seakan ‘overhaul’ keseluruhan sistem tubuh. Justeru, bukan satu rahsia, golongan berada dan terkenal saban tahun membuat lawatan ke klinik kecantikan di Switzerland bagi mendapatkan perkhidmatan terapi sel. Kesannya bukan saja dari segi anti penuaan malah boleh menyuntik keremajaan dalam penampilan.

Jika anda berasakan terapi sel ini perkara baru, sebenarnya anggapan itu salah kerana ada sesetengah bentuk terapi sel sudah menjadi sebahagian kehidupan. Pemindahan darah misalnya, juga satu bentuk terapi sel. Selalunya mereka yang memilih sel terapi akan berasa letih dan sukar untuk menumpukan tumpuan. Keletihan menyebabkan semua kerja terbengkalai. Anda akan lebih merasa keletihan itu apabila berusia 40 tahun ke atas.Bagaimanapun, dengan terapi sel, selalunya pengguna memiliki lebih stamina untuk menyelesaikan kerja. Selain ‘meremajakan’ diri dari segi penampilan, ia membantu membaiki sistem imunisasi dan mencegah serta merawat masalah disebabkan penuaan seperti alzeimer.

Di samping itu juga ia merupakan salah satu kaedah pencerahan kulit selain suntikan Vitamin c & putih. Selain membantu dalam proses penyerahan kulit, kandungan dalam placenta juga berupaya membantu meningkatkan kemampuan kulit dalam penyerapan oksigen, meningkatkan metabolisme, serta membantu membentuk sel-sel baru. Berikut merupakan antara kebaikan Suntikan Placenta :
  • Menghasilkan sel dan tisu baru dalam badan
  • Meningkatkan Imune sistem badan bagi menghalang sebarang jangkitan
  • Meningkatkan Keupayaan Minda
  • Mengurangkan Pigmentasi
  • Memberikan impak glow pada wajah
  • Meningkatkan stamina
  • Mengurangkan serangan sakit jantung


Thanks pada anda yang bagi response untuk aku punya Vitamin C ni.. Response anda menambahkan semangat kami lagi untuk mempromosikan kebaikan vitamin c ni..Actually ramai yang duk tanya harga sekotak vitamin c ni..harap maaf sangat2 sebab kami tidak menjual nya secara kotak kerana kami hanya memberi suntikan terus kepada customer yang berminat dan pelanggan kami hanya terhad di sekitar kawasan Johor Bahru sahaja.Harap Maaf sangat-sangat kepada pelanggan yang di luar kawasan JB especially yang di Kuala Lumpur.Apepun kami akan cuba memikirkan Alternatif baru untuk pelanggan yang di luar kawasan JB ye.

Kepada para gadis especially yang mempunyai masalah kulit, dah pening dan xtau dah nak pakai produk ape leh la cuba suntikan Vitamin c ni..kesannya takdela sekali suntik terus muka jadi clear dan jangan pulak pikir bila dah suntik berkali-kali then kita anggap muka x akan keluar jerawat lagi..tu perception yang salah pasal vitamin c k..sbb akupun kadang-kadang keluar juga sebijik dua jerawat xdela licin sepanjang masa..eheheh.Apepun just nak bgtau u all yang Vitamin C ni boleh merawat masalah jerawat secara perlahan.Apepun Vitamin C ini hanya la sebagai supplement tambahan untuk kesihatan dalaman kita yang mana vitamin c ni leh menghasilkan collagen kulit dan sekaligus boleh merawat masalah acne, kulit x sekata, gelap dan sebagainya.Walaubagaimanapun ANDA MASIH PERLU mencuci muka anda sebelum tido, membersihkan sisa make up, :)
Vitamin C 1 gram 


Vitamin c 5 gram

Tapi apepun kawan-kawan..cantik luar sahaja tak cukup..biar la sama-sama luar dan dalam cantik..bila cantik di dalam..keserian kat luar tu automatik akan timbul..eheheh..tu pada pandangan aku la..sebab pada aku cantik ni benda yang subjektif..kadang orang nampak cantik kita dari segi ape yang kita pakai..kadang orang nampak cantik kita dari raut wajah..dari senyuman..dan mcm2 lagi la..tapi apepun lagi bagus kalu orang nampak cantik kita dari budi pekerti dan hati kita yang ikhlas..cantik luar lambat laun akan pudar ..cantik dalaman sampai bila-bila xkan pudar...sama-sama kita upgrade diri kita dengan kecantikan luar dan dalam ye..

~Vitamin C 1 gram vs 5 gram~

Macamna nak tau samaada vitamin c tu bagus atau tidak?

ok kalau u all semua nak tau..Vitamin c yang bagus kita dapat rasa dari segi kepekatan...
dari segi kepekatan ni kita boleh tengok berapa gram kandungan Vitamin c..
ada yang vitamin c kepekatannya cuma 1 gram je ada pulak yang 0.35 gram dan ada pulak yang 5 gram..tapi yang 5 gram susah nak cari di pasaran sebab dia hanya terdapat di pusat2 perubatan dan kecantikan sahaja..
contoh mcm vitamin c ni..
Vitamin C laroscorbine ni kepekatan Vitamin c dia cuma 1 gram je..kalau kita try inject sekali..x rasa ape2..just mcm rasa masuk air je..
so dia punya keberkesanannya agak lambat la sikit..kalau yang mcmni kena amik 3 hari sekali baru betul2 ok la..nampak kesannya..sebab ramai yang duk asyik tanya nape lambatkan??even dah cucuk 2-3 kali..So before nak beli Vitamin C tengok dulu kepekatannya berapa gram k..
Kalau Vitamin C yang kepekatannya 5gram..kita dapat rasa masa vitamin c tu mengalir dalam badan kita. Dia akan rasa sengal sikit..sebab dosnya agak tinggi dan keberkesannya memang ok la banding dengan Vitamin c yang 1 gram je. Kalau yang 5 gram ni kita boleh amik seminggu sekali atau 2 minggu sekali..TAPI ANDA DILARANG amik 3 hari sekali KERANA di khuatiri akan ada effect2 yang x besh la kan..Kadang-kadang kita ni terlalu nak cepat sangat cantik sampai lupa kesihatan diri..x elok tu 

ok ni contoh Vitamin c yang 5 gram..ni aku ader..... Memang susah nak jumpa kat Klinik biasa dan di internet tapi bagi aku kesannya memang sangat ok..

dari sergi warna vitamin c 1 gram dgn vitamin c 5 gram tak ader beza, cuba lihat di atas, samer jer kan? cuma yg beza kepekatan dan kesegalan yg ko org rasa bila ia masuk ke dlam salur darah anda, hehehehehehe, dalam masa tak sampai 5mnt segal tu akn hilang.